
Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Tirsu M.S., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau
Executive Editor: Sit M.L., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau
Andronatii N.R., Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova , Doctor of Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Kishinau
Oleschuk V.I., Doctor of Science, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau
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Ermuratskii V.V., Doctor of Science, Institute of the Power Engineering, Kishinau
Kiorsak M.V., Doctor of Science, Moldovan Technical University, Kishinau
Sidorenko A.S., Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova , Doctor of Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Kishinau
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Gritsai M.A., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau |
Zaitsev D.V., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau
Komendant I.T., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau
Bikova E.V., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau |
Sit M.L., PhD, Institute of Power Engineering, Kishinau |
Advisory Board:
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Suhih A.A., Doctor of Science, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Russian Federation
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Stankovic A.M., A.H. Howell Professor, Tuffts University, Boston, MA, USA |
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Denisova. A.E., Doctor of Science, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine |
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Misak I., Professor, Polytechnic University of Lviv "Lvivska Politehnika", Ukraine |
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Kuznetsov V.G., Member-Correspondent of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science, Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiyv, Ukraine
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Golovanov N., Professor, Dr.-Ing., Technical University of Bucharest, Romania
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Postolache P., Professor, Dr.-Ing., Technical University of Bucharest, Romania |
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Porumb R., Professor, Dr.-Ing., Technical University of Bucharest, Romania |
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Chicco G., Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy |
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Halasz S., Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary |
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Mladenov G.,
Professor, Dr. of Phys. Sci., Corresponding Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Barrero F., Professor, University of Seville, Spain |
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Kakac S., Professor TOBB University of Economics and Tehnology, Ankara, Turkey |
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Mavrakis D., Professor, National and Kopodestrian University of Athens, Greece |